CryoProbe Wart Treatment
The CryoProbe is a very practical cryosurgical device that offers unparalleled freezing power combined with total accuracy. It is possible to pinpoint only the tissue you want to treat. The device allows easy and effective treatments for the removal of verrucae and more.
The CryoProbe is a great value because it is maintenance free, uses inexpensive disposable nitrous oxide cartridges, speeds up the procedure time to just 15- 40 seconds and causes minimal to no discomfort for the un-anesthetized patient.
It is particularly suitable for the treatment of all skin lesions of the foot and leg such as plantar verruca and porokeratosis of the plantar surface and multiple verrucae in children and adults.
The CryoProbe is the most innovative technological advance in cryosurgery on the market today. This pen-like instrument delivers a fine pinpoint spray of liquid nitrous oxide at a constant temperature of minus-127 degrees of F under 725 psi of pressure to the tissue with precise accuracy.
It is the combination of ultra cold, accuracy and pressure that makes this device so effective and different from all other systems.
The CryoProbe is a compact, portable instrument which uses small, inexpensive disposable cartridges (0.3 oz) of nitrous oxide to easily deliver rapid effective treatments. One cartridge can be used to treat multiple lesions on a patient. The size of the probe and the disposable cartridges make it very easy to bring the device to nursing homes, hospitals, other office locations or from room-to room.
The CryoProbe is designed using the latest innovations in micro-technology which enables the device to apply the nitrogen with direct, pinpoint precision onto a lesion through very fine micro-applicators. The physician will be able to treat skin irregularities accurate to the millimeter, the possibility of destroying normal healthy tissue adjacent is minimized. This is a great advantage for treatments of facial lesions, condyloma (genital warts) and all other small sized, benign skin lesions.
The CryoProbe is a great value because it is maintenance free, does not require anesthesia or follow up cares, speeds up the procedure time and causes minimal to no discomfort for the un-anesthetized patient.
For more information visit the CryoProbe website.

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